Top 20 Tallest Statues in the World: A Visual Guide

Last Updated on 26th January 2024 by admin

Man is the most pampered and blessed creature of God, who created marvelous creations to startle every eye. Amazing statues of this planet witness the creative, artistic, wonderful, and miraculous human mind that never knows how complicated and immeasurable its power is. There have built many things on this earth like the tallest buildings and towers in the world. So, let’s now take a look at the tallest statues in the world, which are man-made creations beyond imagination, each containing a mythological story. These statues are ranked based on the height of the statue only, the base is not included in the ranking list. Here is the List of Top 20 Tallest Statues from around the world:


20) Emperor Yan and Huang Statue

Statue Height: 51 m (167 ft)

Total Height: 106m (348ft)

Constructed: 2007

Location: Yan Huang Plaza, Zhengzhou, China

Image Source: Flickr

Huangdi and Yandi are the ancestors of China. This giant sculpture is built on Xianyang Mountain in the Yellow River. Every year during the Ching-ming season descendants of Yan and Huang across the world visit here and celebrate the memorial ceremony. The mountain statue appears as a majestic, powerful, and iconic landmark in history. The statue depicts two Chinese emperors, Yan Di and Huang Di, who are believed to be the ancestors of the Chinese people.

Some More Information:

  • This huge statue was built with the aim of promoting Chinese culture and attracting more tourists to the area.
  • The Emperor Yan and Huang Statue is considered a symbol of Chinese identity and national pride.
  • The statue depicts the legendary Chinese emperors, Yan Di and Huang Di, who are considered to be the ancestors of the Han Chinese people and are believed to have ruled in the 27th century BC.
  • The statue stands at a total height of 106 meters (347 feet), including the pedestal, and is made of reinforced concrete with a copper-plated exterior.
  • It was completed in 2007, after five years of construction, and is one of the tallest statues in China.
  • The Emperor Yan and Huang Statue is a one of the most famous tourist attractions and an iconic symbol of China.


19) Motherland Monument

Statue Height: 62m (203ft)

Total Height: 102m (335 ft)

Constructed: 1978 – 1981

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Motherland Monument in Kyiv, Ukraine

The Motherland Monument is a statue located in Kiev, Ukraine. The unique sculpture is the monumental statue known as Brezhnev’s daughter and it is the national property of Ukraine, now it is known as the museum of the Great Patriotic War representing Ukrainian soldiers. The Statue of Motherland is holding a shield in the left hand that consists of the state emblem of the Soviet Union and a sword in the right hand. Below the statue, there is a memorial hall displaying the names of martyrs and great soldiers of the Second World War, well titled “Heroes of Soviet Union”.

Some More Information:

  • The statue was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and was inspired by the famous image of the goddess Athena.
  • The giant Motherland Monument is titanium statue that celebrates the Soviet Union’s victory over the Nazi Germany in World War II.
  • The idol holds a sword in its right hand, while its left hand holds a huge shield, which depicts it in a battlefield.
  • The beautiful Motherland Monument is one of the tallest statues in the world and is visible from many parts of Kiev.
  • The National Museum of the History of Ukraine, located at the base of the statue, houses a collection of war-related artifacts and exhibits, including weapons, uniforms, and vehicles from World War II.


18) Statue of Equality

Statue Height: 65.8m (216ft)

Constructed: 2022

Location: Telangana, India

The Statue of Equality dedicated to Ramanujacharya is located in the town of Muchintal, near Hyderabad in the Indian state of Telangana. The Statue of Equality was built to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of great saint Ramanuja. The ambiance is surrounded by 108 small temples and in the main temple, there is vast space for worship. The peaceful and polite gesture of the majestic image is really captivating.

Some More Information:

  • Sri Ramanujacharya worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the people with the spirit of every human being regardless of nationality, gender, race, caste or creed.
  • Saint Ramanujacharya opened the doors of temples to all sections of the society including the most discriminated ones. He is considered a symbol of equality for social reformers around the world.
  • The outdoor 216 feet Statue of Equality will be the world’s second tallest statue made in a sitting posture.
  • The fascinating statue is built up of steel framing and “Panchaloha” (copper, brass, titanium, gold, and silver) metals.
  • The campus has 108 Divya Desams, 108 ornately carved Vishnu temples, described in the Alvars, the work of the mystic Tamil sages.


17) Leshan Giant Buddha

Statue Height: 71m (233ft)

Constructed: 713 – 803 AD

Location: Leshan, China

The Leshan Giant Buddha is a large statue of Buddha located in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China. The gigantic structure was built in 713 and 803 ADS by Tang rulers. Lord Buddha statue was carved out of mountain cliff with erect head touches the sky and below feet, there is flowing river showing the impact of buddha’s teaching and infinite power of peace and knowledge. The Leshan Giant Buddha is a famous tourist destination and attracts millions of visitors every year from around the globe.

Some More Information:

  • The statue was built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and was completed in 803 AD.
  • It was carved out of a cliff face at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu, and Qingyi rivers, and stands at a height of 71 meters (233 feet).
  • The statue depicts Maitreya, a bodhisattva who is regarded as the future Buddha in Buddhist tradition.
  • The statue’s head is 15 meters (49 ft) tall, while its shoulders are approximately 28 meters (92 ft) broad.
  • The Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest stone Buddha statue in the world and was also included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
  • This giant statue is carved from red sandstone and features intricate details such as the Buddha’s hair, ears, and robes.


16) Confucius of Mount Ni

Statue Height: 72m (236ft)

Constructed: 2016

Location: Nishan, Mount Ni, China

Image Source:

The Confucius of Mount Ni statue is a large statue of Confucius located in Qufu, Shandong Province, China. It is the statue of the famous philosopher and writer Confucius. Construction of megastructure was done in 2016 and is located on Mount Ni, a mountain near Qufu that is associated with Confucius. Nishan is the birthplace of a great path shower and motivator. The amazing structure can be seen from miles depicting the image of a true knowledge bearer.

Some More Information:

  • The statue stands at a height of 72 meters (236 feet) and is made of brass and reinforced steel.
  • The statue is of “Confucius”, the famous Chinese philosopher and teacher who lived from 551-479 BCE.
  • The statue is surrounded by a beautiful nature and also features a museum, a meditation room, and a temple of Confucius.
  • The Confucius of Mount Ni statue is the tallest statue of Confucius in the world and is considered a symbol of Chinese culture and philosophy.
  • The statue is a famous tourist attraction and thousands of people visited every year, many of whom come to pay homage to Confucius and learn more about his teachings.


15) Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue

Statue Height: 75m (246 ft)

Total Height: 122m (400 ft)

Constructed: 1993 – 2018

Location: Bali, Indonesia

The Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue is a giant statue located in Bali. The marvelous work of behemoth art is the tallest statue of Hindu deity Vishnu with His grand vehicle (Vahana) Garuda. According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Vishnu chose Garuda to get the elixir of life (Amrita) and in return, Garuda wanted to free his enslaved mother. The great statue is one of famous tourist attractions in Bali and are visited by millions of people every year from around the world.

  • The statue depicts the Hindu god Vishnu riding on the back of the bird Garuda, which is also considered an important bird in Hindu mythology.
  • The Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue stands at a height of 122 meters (400 feet) and is carved out of copper, brass, concrete, and steel.
  • It was designed by the famous Indonesian sculptor Nyoman Nuarta and was built in sections over a period of several years.
  • The statue is located in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, which is a large park and cultural center that features exhibits, performances, and other attractions related to Balinese culture and history.
  • The Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue is one of the tallest statues in the world and is considered a symbol of Balinese art and culture.


14) Bronze Statue of Dizang

Statue Height: 76m (249 ft)

Total Height: 99m (325 ft)

Constructed: 2012

Location: Qingyang, China

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Bronze Statue of Dizang is a large statue situated at the Mount Jiuhua near the city of Qingyang, in the Gansu province of China. Mount Jiuhua is one of the most sacred Buddhist mountains in the lap of lush green forest, captivating heart and soul. The bronze statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva revives the surrounding with its poise and pious impact. One of the biggest sculptures of the world is built in the most attractive place.

Some More Information:

  • The statue depicts the Buddhist bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, also known as Dizang, who is revered as a protector of travelers and children in Chinese Buddhism.
  • The statue height around 76 meters (249 feet) made of bronze and was constructed in the early 2000s and was completed in 2012.
  • The statue is located on a hilltop in the center of Qingyang and is surrounded by a large park and cultural center. The park and cultural center feature a number of other Buddhist temples, shrines, and cultural exhibits related to Chinese Buddhism and history.
  • The Bronze Statue of Dizang is one of the tallest statues in China and is considered a symbol of Chinese Buddhist culture and history.
  • The statue is a main tourist attraction and are visited by thousands of people every year. Visitors can take guided tours of the park and cultural center, attend Buddhist ceremonies and rituals, or simply enjoy the scenic views and cultural atmosphere.


13) Guanyin of NanShan

Statue Height: 78 m (256 ft)

Total Height: 108m (354ft)

Constructed: 1999 – 2005

Location: Sanya, Hainan, China

Image Source: Flickr

The main attraction of one of the biggest statues of the world is the 3-sided Goddess of mercy sculpture. The amazing work of art is the world’s tallest statue of Guan Yin. The divine structure of Goddess is smeared by precious gems and stones depicting the true attire of foster of every living being. The main temple is surrounded by enchanting beaches and impressive sea resources making it a fabulous tourist attraction. The statue is located on a small island surrounded by a body of water setting on the south coast of China’s island.

Some More Information:

  • The statue depicts Guanyin, the bodhisattva of compassion in Chinese Buddhism. It stands at a massive height of 108 meters (354 feet), making it one of the tallest statues in the world.
  • The base of the “Guanyin of Nanshan” statue is connected to the avenue via a bridge and is open for visitors to take a closer look.
  • The statue is built on an artificial island, standing atop a lotus-shaped throne, and construction began in 1999 and was completed in 2005.
  • The Guanyin of Nanshan is considered a symbol of peace and compassion in Chinese Buddhism and is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists alike. It is often visited as part of a larger tour of Hainan Island’s cultural and natural attractions.


12) Grand Buddha at Ling Shan

Statue Height: 79 m (259 ft)

Total Height: 88m (289ft)

Constructed: 1996

Location: Binhu, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Grand Buddha statue at Ling Shan is a massive bronze statue located in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. This magnificent statue of Buddha was carved out of bronze, which has a height of 79 meters from head to feet of Buddha and standing on a 9-meter lotus pedestal. Miraculously giant structure is dedicated to Lord Gautam buddha. It is said that lotus bloomed at every step when Buddha walked in any direction.

Some More Information:

  • The construction of the statue took 9 years, and it was completed in 1996. It stands 88 meters tall, including a 9-meter lotus throne and a 10-meter pedestal.
  • The statue is made of bronze and weighs over 700 tons. It was cast in separate sections which were later assembled on site.
  • The statue depicts Shakyamuni Buddha, who is believed to be the founder of Buddhism. It is said that the statue was built with donations from Buddhists and other supporters around the world.
  • The statue is situated on the Ling Shan Mountain, which is known for its natural beauty. Visitors can also tour the surrounding area, which includes temples, gardens, and other attractions.
  • The Grand Buddha statue is also considered one of the world’s tallest Buddha statues and it is an important symbol of Chinese Buddhism.


11) The Awaji Kannon

Statue Height: 80m (260ft)

Total Height: 100 m (330 ft)

Constructed: 1982

Location: Hyogo, Japan

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Awaji Kannon statue is a large statue located on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The statue is a five-story pedestal building that includes a museum, restaurant, and temple, the grand statue is the property of the Japanese government. On the 6th floor, there is an observation building. It was built by Toyokichi Okunai, a local real estate businessman. The statue of Awaji Kannon is elegant and giant.

Some More Information:

  • The Awaji Kannon statue was built in 1982 and this huge statue is 80 meters tall, which making it one of the tallest statues in Japan. The statue made of reinforced concrete and bronze.
  • This colossal statue depicts the bodhisattva Kannan, who is considered a symbol of compassion in Buddhism.
  • Visitors can climb inside the statue and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area, including the nearby Seto Inland Sea and one of the world’s most famous bridges, the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.
  • This huge Awaji Kannon statue is located in a park that also houses a museum, a restaurant, and a garden, among other attractions.
  • Visitors can taste a variety of Japanese dishes as well as snacks and drinks at the restaurant while taking in beautiful views of the surrounding area.


10) The Motherland Calls

Statue Height: 85m (279ft)

Constructed: 1959 – 1967

Location: Volgograd, Russia

Image Source: Flickr

“The Motherland Calls” is a woman’s biggest statue in the world, located in the city of Volgograd, Russia. It depicts an image of a warrior woman carrying the raised sword in her right hand and left hand with a gesture as if calling son and daughters of her land to combat the enemy with bravery and courage. There are 200 steps indicating the 200 days of the battle of Stalingrad. The statue is built as a memorial to honor the martyrs of the battle of Stalingrad.

Some More Information:

  • The statue was built to commemorate the Battle of Stalingrad, one of the most important battles of World War II, , which took place in the city now known as Volgograd.
  • The beautiful statue was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin and was completed in 1967.
  • The statue stands at a height of 85 meters (279 feet) including its pedestal, which making it one of the tallest statues in the world.
  • The statue depicts a woman holding a sword, symbolizing the Soviet Union’s defense of the homeland during the war. The woman’s pose and expression convey a sense of determination and strength.
  • The statue is made of reinforced concrete and covered in titanium sheets, which give it its distinctive silver color.
  • The pedestal of the statue is built on the Mamayev Kurgan, a hill in Volgograd that was the site of some of the fiercest fighting during the Battle of Stalingrad.


9) Dai Kannon of Kita

Statue Height: 88m (289ft)

Constructed: 1989

Location: Hokkaido, Japan

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Dai Kannon of Kita Statue is located in the town of Ashibetsu, which is in the central region of Hokkaido, Japan. The mesmerizing snow-white statue of Guanyin (Avalokitesvara) has 20 floors with elevators. The ambiance has shrines to accommodate devotees and there is ample space to worship. The splendid view of the surroundings makes the place a captivating tourist place. The female form of lord symbolizes the compassion of all buddha forms.

Some More Information:

  • The statue was erected in 1989 and is 88 meters (289 ft) tall, making it one of the tallest statues in Japan and the world.
  • The statue depicts the Buddhist goddess Kannon, who is known for her compassion and mercy. Kannon is a famous figure in Japanese Buddhism and is often depicted in art and sculpture.
  • The statue is located on a hilltop in the town of Ashibetsu and offers wonderful views of the surrounding countryside.
  • The Dai Kannon of Kita Statue is part of a larger complex that includes a Buddhist temple, a pagoda, and a museum of Buddhist art and artifacts.
  • The statue has become a popular symbol of Hokkaido and a source of pride for the local community. It is a popular destination for tourists and is especially beautiful at night, when it is lit up with colored lights.


8) Great Buddha of Thailand

Statue Height: 92m (302ft)

Constructed: 1990 – 2008

Location: Ang Thong, Thailand

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Great Buddha of Thailand is a giant statue of Buddha located in the Wat Muang temple in Ang Thong Province, Thailand. The massive statue is also known as “The Great Buddha”. People pray and touch the giant hand of Buddha to receive blessings. This enchanting golden sculpture gets illuminated with the sun’s rays and seems divine to bear an aura of positivity, peace, and happiness.

Some More Information:

  • The statue stands at a height of 92 meters (302 feet), listed it top 10 tallest statue in the world as of 2023.
  • The construction of this famous Buddha statue began in 1990 and was completed in 2008.
  • This beautiful gold color statue is made of reinforced concrete and is covered in gold paint.
  • The statue of Buddha built in the Dhyana Mudra (meditation) posture is seated with his right hand on his knee and his left hand on his lap.
  • The statue’s base is designed as a lotus flower, which is a symbol of purity and enlightenment in Buddhism.
  • The Wat Muang temple complex also features several other Buddhist statues and shrines, as well as a large market selling souvenirs and local products.


7) Peter the Great Statue

Statue Height: 98m (322ft)

Constructed: 1997

Location: Moscow, Russia

Peter the Great Statue in Moscow, Russia

The Peter the Great Statue is one of the most famous statues in the world, made of bronze, stainless steel and copper, located in Moscow. The colossus work of art several times declared in the list of ugliest statues of the world. The giant statue is dedicated to the legendary leader and victorious emperor Peter the Great. The influencing leader is known for modernizing Russia by implementing several reforms and ceasing orthodox church autonomy thus bringing equality and peace.

Some More Information:

  • The statue was designed by the Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli and was erected in 1997 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy.
  • The Peter the Great Statue is 98 meters (322 ft) tall, including its pedestal, making it one of the tallest statues in the world.
  • Peter the Great is depicted in a standing position, with his right hand pointing towards the River Moskva, symbolizing his role in the founding of the Russian Navy.
  • The statue has been controversial since its unveiling, with many Muscovites considering it an eyesore and an inappropriate tribute to a figure from Russia’s past. However, others defend the statue as an important piece of public art and a symbol of Russia’s naval heritage.
  • In 2008, the statue was damaged when a section of the pedestal collapsed during high winds, causing Peter the Great to lose his head. The statue was repaired and reassembled, and additional measures were taken to reinforce its stability.


6) Guishan Guanyin of thousand Hands and Eyes

Statue Height: 99 m (325 ft)

Constructed: 2009

Location: Ningxiang, Hunan, China

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Guishan Guanyin of Thousand Hands and Eyes is a statue of the bodhisattva Guanyin located in the Putuo Zongcheng Temple in Chengde, China. The astonishing and huge statue of Guishan takes the beholder’s breath away with its mystic appearance. The statue has 11 heads to listen to everyone’s wishes, thousands of hands believed to protect all living creatures, and many eyes to stay awaked and conscious. The Goddess of Mercy and Compassion is worshiped by numerous Buddhist followers all over the world.

Some More Information:

  • The Guishan Guanyin statue is made of bronze and stands at a height of 99 meters (325 feet), including the pedestal. The statue of the goddess Guanyin itself is 87 meters (285 ft) tall.
  • The statue is designed in the image of Guanyin, the Buddhist goddess of mercy and compassion, who is believed to have a thousand hands and eyes that represent her ability to help and see those in need.
  • The idol is believed to have a total of 1,008 hands, which are arranged in a circular pattern around the idol’s head. The hands are said to represent the thousand arms of Guanyin, each of which has an eye in the palm.
  • The statue has become a popular tourist attraction in Changsha, with many people coming from far and wide to pay their respects and enjoy the beautiful views from above.


5) Sendai Dikano Statue

Statue Height: 100m (330 ft)

Constructed: 1984 – 1991

Location: Sendai, Japan

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Sendai Daikannon statue is a towering statue of the bodhisattva Kannon located in Sendai, Japan. The interior of the giant statue is a 12layered structure with 108 Buddha statues possessing varied and ultimate expressions. The calm and serene Goddess’ sculpture enlisted in the world’s tallest statue list. Goddess Nyoirin Kannon bears a gem of fulfilling wishes in her hand presumed to deliver happiness, prosperity, and peace.

Some More Information:

  • The Sendai Daikan statue stands at a height of 100 m (328 ft), making it one of the tallest statues in Japan and also listed among the top 5 tallest statues in the world.
  • Visitors can have a panoramic view of the beautiful city and the Pacific Ocean from the series of windows at the top of Sendai Daikannon.
  • The statue was built between 1984 and 1991 and officially opened to the public after completion.
  • The statue is made primarily of steel and stands on a base that houses a museum, observation deck and a restaurant.
  • At night, the statue is illuminated with different colored lights, creating a stunning visual display and can see from far away.
  • This statue is one of the famous tourist attractions and millions of people visit it every year. It is also an important site for Buddhist pilgrims.


4) Ushiku Daibutsu

Statue Height: 100m (330ft)

Total Height: 120m (390 ft)

Constructed: 1993 – 1995

Location: Ushiku, Ibaraki, Japan

Image Source: Wikimedia

Ushiku Daibutsu is a statue located in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, this huge statue stands on a lotus throne. The Construction of buddha’s bronze statue was completed in 1993 and officially opened to the public in 1995. Inside this wonderful statue, you will experience immense peace and inner illumination of infinite life inspired by the light shine and cauldron of smoking incense and 3000 samples of gold Buddha. The ambiance is surrounded by a beautiful park of flowers.

Some More Information:

  • The Sendai Daikanon stands at a height of 100 meters (328 ft), making Ushiku Daibutsu the tallest statue in Japan and the 4th tallest in the world. If we include the base of the statue, it becomes 120 meters (390 ft) tall.
  • The statue depicts Amitabha Buddha and is made of bronze, it is situated on a lotus-shaped platform.
  • The statue is part of the Ushiku Arcadia complex, which also includes a museum and is surrounded by a beautiful flower garden.
  • The statue is dedicated to Buddhism and its teachings and houses a museum as well as a meditation hall for visitors to practice their spiritual practices.


3) Laykyun Sekkya Buddha

Statue Height: 115.8m (380ft)

Total Height: 129.2 (424 ft)

Constructed: 1996 – 2008

Location: Khatakan Taung, Myanmar

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Laykyun Sekkya Buddha, also known as the Uppatasanti Pagoda, is a giant statue of the Buddha located in Monywa, Myanmar. The construction of the world’s third-highest statue was completed on 21 February 2008. It has 31 floors symbolizing 31 planes of existence or lifecycle. Mural paintings on each floor are very beautiful and inspiring that illustrate the learning of buddha to inculcate love, peace, and non-violence in life.

Some More Information:

  • The construction of the statue began in 1996 and was completed in February 2008 and at that time it was the tallest statue in the world until the “Spring Temple Buddha Statue” was completed in September 2008 of the same year.
  • The statue is surrounded by several smaller Buddha statues and pagodas and the statue is one of the famous iconic symbols of the country.
  • The Laykyun Sekkya Buddha statue is made of reinforced concrete and is covered with a layer of gold paint.
  • The base of the statue houses a museum that showcases Buddhist art and artifacts.
  • The statue is a popular destination for both tourists and locals and is considered a symbol of Buddhist faith and devotion in Myanmar.


2) Spring Temple Buddha Statue

Statue Height: 153m (502ft)

Total Height: 208m (682 ft)

Constructed: 1997 – 2008

Location: Zhaocum township of Lushan County, Henan, China

Image Source: Wikimedia

The Spring Temple Buddha is a massive statue located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan Province, China. It was completed in 2008 and depicts Vairocana Buddha, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism. The Buddha’s statue having cast of copper was built in 2008. It is the second tallest statue in the world. Spring Temple was built during Tang Dynasty and nowadays it is also one of the famous attractions in China. It is dedicated to God Buddha. The bronze bell weighed 116 tonnes known as “Bell of Good Luck” is placed inside this grand and divine temple.

Some More Information:

  • The Buddha statue alone stands at a height of 128 meters (420 ft) and if its base is included, its total height is huge 153 meters (502 ft). It was the tallest statue in the world at the time of its completion in 2008.
  • The statue is made of copper and is coated with gold.
  • The construction of the statue took 11 years, and it was built by thousands of workers.
  • The statue is situated in a beautiful park with gardens, waterfalls, and a lake, making it a top tourist attraction.
  • The Spring Temple Buddha statue is located near the Fodushan Scenic Area, which is a popular hiking destination in Henan Province.


1) The Statue of Unity

Statue Height: 182m (597 ft)

Total Height: 240m (787 ft)

Constructed: 2014 – 2018

Location: Gujarat, India

The Statue of Unity in Gujarat, India

The Statue of Unity is a colossal statue located on an island in the Narmada River, opposite the Sardar Sarovar Dam in the Indian state of Gujarat. The Statue of Unity is the tallest statue in the world, The statue is dedicated to the first home minister of independent India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. His contributions as an eminent leader and true patriotic figure were enormous. The marvelous inspiring statue is enlisted in the 8th wonders of the Shanghai Corporation Organisation.

Some More Information:

  • This huge statue was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India “Narendra Modi” on October 31, 2018, which also happened to be the 143rd birth anniversary of Sardar Patel
  • The statue was constructed as a tribute to Sardar Patel, who is known as the “Iron Man of India” for his role in uniting India’s princely states into a single nation after independence from British rule.
  • The statue is made of bronze, with an iron framework and a reinforced concrete core, with a massive height of 182 meters (597 feet).
  • The Statue of Unity has become a popular tourist attraction, with a viewing gallery at a height of 153 meters (502 feet) offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.


The world is full of majestic monuments, colossal statues, and awe-inspiring sculptures which are really extraordinary works of art. These top 20 tallest statues in the world are quite impressive and surprising structures. These man-made creations are carved in rocks, mountains, metals, and marbles representing religious beliefs and historical significance to inspire generations.

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